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“Psychological Safety is the essential ingredient in creating high performing teams. This is because it generates “inclusivity” – the environment necessary to unlock all team members’ full potential.” – Prof. Amy Edmondson

PSI – A Team Culture Program
By valuing and fostering psychological safety, organisations can create a culture that not only survives but thrives.
Measuring psychological safety and psychosocial risks provides organisations with critical insights to navigate change successfully, enhance employee engagement, and improve their overall productivity.

Empowered with a holistic view of your current performance and team culture, we help inform a tailored, impactful solution across two levels –

Individual and Leader
- Psychological Safety and Inclusivity Indicator (PSI 360) – Leadership Impact

- Psychological Safety and Inclusivity Indicator (PSI) – Team Pulse Check
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Our Solutions
Psychological Safety and Inclusivity Indicator (PSI 360) – Leadership Impact
The PSI 360 leverages our market-leading diagnostic solution that measures a leaders impact on team lived experience of psychological safety and inclusivity, easily, anonymously and confidentially.
This allows leaders to understand how their leadership impacts the psychological safety and inclusivity of the team they lead and individuals they interact with on a regular basis. The PSI 360 is proven to develop leader capacity and core capabilities that create safe and inclusive teams.
Under Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws approved as a Code of Practice, organisations must eliminate or minimise psychological risks in the workplace. With legal implications if not met, it is often the leader or managers responsibility to identify, manage and /or eliminate psychosocial risks.
Beyond such legislations, there is a direct correlation between psychological safety, predicted worker engagement and return on assets – which means psychological safety can make or break team performance.
PSI 360 helps organisations to
- Empower participants with an interactive Self-Development Guide to support their leadership journey
- Provide insights across the entire leadership cohort by combining all feedback into an aggregate report
- Inform a targeted investment approach to ensure optimal use of the leadership development budget
Psychological Safety and Inclusivity Indicator (PSI) – Team Pulse Check
The Psychological Safety and Inclusivity Indicator (PSI) leverages our market-leading diagnostic solution that measures an individual’s sense of psychological safety and inclusivity within their team, easily, anonymously and confidentially. This allows leaders to understand and benchmark the psychological safety and risk profile of their organisation at any moment in time.
The PSI is proven to create inclusive cultures by utilising neuropsychology to foster a climate whereby people are comfortable expressing and being themselves. Through doing so, leaders can improve inter-department relationships, enhance performance, attract talent and retain staff.
Under Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws approved as a Code of Practice, organisations must eliminate or minimise psychological risks in the workplace. With legal implications if not met, it is often the leader or managers responsibility to identify, manage and /or eliminate psychosocial risks.
Beyond such legislations, there is a direct correlation between psychological safety, predicted worker engagement and return on assets – which means psychological safety can make or break team performance.
A 2017 Gallup poll, noted the impact of improving the rate at which employees felt their opinions counted at work. Moving from 30% to 60% found organisations
- Reduced turnover by 27%
- Reduced safety incidents by 40%
- Increased productivity by 12%