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    Our Solutions

    As a SAAS company, our vision is to equip organisations with the tools needed to create thriving teams and empower leaders to excel. We have created a catalogue of carefully curated and intuitive tools that target all industries to contribute towards our goal of a world of thriving organisations. Click the buttons below to learn more.

    *Based on industry leadership capability frameworks and standards 

    **Based on international research into generative safety culture

    • PSI360 and PSI

      The PSI 360 logo
      Leadership Performance Indicator

      The PSI 360 Leadership Performance Indicator provides leaders with feedback from their manager, peers and direct reports, on how they currently perform against high performance leadership competencies. 

      They also provide feedback on where they would like the participating leaders to be in 12 months – providing clarity on the areas that can be focused on to lift leadership impact. Impact is also measured, with raters indicating how engages and psychologically safe they feel in their interactions with the leader.

      Aggregated feedback from a group of leaders (min N=5) can be used to guide ongoing leadership development activities across the organisation, in line with the PSI Team Performance Program.

      The PSI Program logo
      Team Performance Program

      The PSI Team Performance Program leverages a market-leading diagnostic tool that measures an individual’s sense of psychological safety and inclusivity within their team, easily, anonymously and confidentially.

      This allows leaders to understand and benchmark the psychological safety and risk profile of their organisation at any moment in time.

      The Program is proven to create high performance cultures by utilising neuropsychology to foster a climate where people are comfortable expressing and being themselves. In doing so, leaders can improve inter-department relationships, enhance performance, attract talent and retain staff.

      “The micro-learnings were quick and easy to use. Simple but thought provoking, and helped me reflect and challenge my current habits, and how I might adapt to get even better outcomes with my team. It would be great to see even more people here accessing them.”

      Kim, Area Manager, Western Power

    • CILCA360 and CISCA

      Care Industry Leadership Capability Assessment

      CILCA 360 is a reliable and valid 360 degree assessment of leadership capability correlated to the Care Standards that identifies the biggest strengths and gaps at all levels.

      It provides individuals and organisations the opportunity to transform leadership effectiveness by understanding current views, beliefs and behaviours and exploring alternative views.

      It also sets very clear development goals for leaders, based on their own feedback and the feedback from others, to strive towards in 12 months time.

      Care Industry Safety Culture Assessment

      CISCA is a team diagnostic that incorporates data from employees and consumers to measure care capability, organisational culture, performance and engagement.

      CISCA uses empirical measurements that correlate to the Aged Care Quality Standards and National Disability Practice Standards, empowering organisations in the care and disability sectors to benchmark team performance. Providing clarity both within the organisation and across the entire industry, CISCA informs key areas for development and delivers insights to improve the quality of care outcomes.

      “By using the CILCA we were able to go through a shared journey about the strengths and opportunities of both the team and as individuals. The CILCA allowed a much richer development discussion than is normally the case with traditional 360 tools.”

       – Head of Customer Operations

    • HILCA360 and HISCA

      Health Industry Leadership Capability Assessment

      HILCA 360 is a reliable and valid 360 degree assessment of leadership capability correlated to the Health LEADS Australia Framework that identifies the biggest strengths and gaps at all levels. 

      It provides individuals and organisations the opportunity to transform leadership effectiveness by understanding current views, beliefs and behaviours and exploring alternative views. It provides leaders with feedback on how they are currently influencing the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards targeted at patient focused care. It also sets very clear development goals for leaders, based on their own feedback and the feedback from others, to strive towards in 12 months time. 

      HILCA 360 offers leaders (doctors, nurses, midwives, etc) the opportunity to meet the expectations of the health industry, access self directed learning AND to earn CPD points!

      Health Industry Safety Culture Assessment

      HISCA is the assessment tool specifically designed for teams in the health industry. HISCA is the window through which we can see the correlations between staff capability, engagement, and their ability to deliver high quality care, assessed through self and customer feedback.

      HISCA assesses the service level quality of one team, by collecting feedback from leadership, team members and patients. 

      “HILCA has dramatically changed the way I deal with people. I know why I react the way I do and I can now stop and think about it before I respond. It’s been really helpful at the moment with everything going on [with COVID-19] as I’ve worked harder and longer than I ever have in my career.”

      Nurse Unit Manager, HILCA Participant

    • GSL360 and GSC

      Generative Safety Leadership

      GSL 360 is an independent capability assessment and leadership diagnostic that identifies an employee’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviours towards safety and wellbeing. 

      More than just a measure of process safety capability, GSL 360 also provides valuable insights on leader performance during times of change and crisis. Proving that safety and productivity go hand-in-hand, GSL 360 goes beyond measuring safety and provides valuable insights to improve it.

      Generative Safety Culture

      GSC is an organisational culture assessment and team diagnostic that measures culture, safety performance and employee engagement.

      By enabling organisations to see both the visible and invisible factors driving safety performance, they can benchmark team performance both within the organisation and across their industry to target key areas for development.

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